Happiness between vegetable peels

Quite bizarre

That’s what the International Day of Happiness felt like this year.

Exactly at the end of the first week without school, when the impact of the coronavirus measures really made themselves felt in most families, as we began to realize who and what we had to do without. Exactly when it became clear that the inconvenience caused by this semi-lockdown was peanuts compared to the economic consequences of it all. Exactly when the experts and media increased the volume of their message that a return to normalcy would not happen in the short term.

Exactly on that day, we were we called upon to be consciously happy. Not an easy task, even for a born optimist like me.


I started to prepare supper and was not exactly in a good mood. Fragments of conversations with business owners and fellow freelancers went through my head, ranging from hesitantly confident that the damage could still be undone with a lot of effort and creativity, to seriously concerned and even desperate.

Suddenly it was there…

Hidden among the vegetable peels. It instantly lifted my spirits, and I captured the moment on camera.

Geluk in een klein hoekje.jpg

Do you see it too? Those wonderful little flowers, nothing more than the cut-off stalks of Brussels sprouts?

Please show some resilience

It’s true that the coronavirus measures are no picnic.

But if we collectively agree on the International Day of Happiness that we will not be annoyed by what we cannot do at the moment, and instead try to find happiness in vegetable peels, wouldn’t the world be a better place once the coronavirus crisis is over?

Nathalie Van De Walle